Certificate of Merit (CM) 2020

The Certificate of Merit program is hosted by the Music Teachers’ Association of California. This state-wide evaluation is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills in piano performance, technique, ear training, sight-reading, and music theory.

Enrollment begins in October, and evaluations take place in March. Evaluations are on a Saturday or Sunday, and you may choose either a morning or afternoon time slot (specific time to be given in February).

Students perform for and receive detailed feedback from a music professor. They will also take a music theory and ear training test.

Our music lessons are based on the MTAC curriculum, so all students are already covering the subject matter required for the CM program.

Why participate? Students will receive a certificate of achievement from the MTAC upon completion. This program is a great addition to a college application, and also a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a college campus, perform for a highly distinguished music professor, and formally validate all of the hard work that they have put into music lessons throughout the year.

CM participants must enroll in a minimum of 45-minute weekly lessons in order to cover all subject areas. Additional fees apply. For more information, read this letter from the MTAC to YOU.

Your March 2020 invoice will include a charge of one extra lesson as a “CM fee” for your teacher’s time and preparation materials. MTAC requires that teachers volunteer anywhere from 3-8 hours (depending on the number of students enrolled) towards the program by grading theory tests, monitoring evaluation rooms, etc.

E-mail Mariah with any further questions at mariah@msmariahsmusic.com

Mariah Gillespie